About us
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What we do
The Office of International Affairs (OAI) supports international initiatives to and from USM.
- Internacional Presence. We strengthen the presence of the University at an international level and coordinate activities aimed at internationalization.
- Engagement and Outreach. We support initiatives to link the University with foreign organizations for research projects, double degree programs, etc.
- Student Exchange. We manage exchange programs for USM students who go abroad and international students who come to the USM.
- international Agreements. We process international agreements signed by the university Rector.
- Tailor-Made Programs. We offer programs specially-designed for undergraduate and prostgraduate students, custom programs with foreign universities and external programs.
Historical Context
The international component has been strongly present since the very origins of the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María. According to Federico Santa María´s testament, the university´s body of professors had to be foreign, at least during the first ten years.
Following this mandate, Agustín Edwards Mc Clure, Santa María’s executor, traveled to Germany where he was able to hire the services of Professor Karl Laudien, who was then leading the Technical High School of Stettin and had successfully worked on the reorganization of German technical schools that were discontinued after the First World War. The first Board of Directors of the Foundation was constituted on May 24, 1929. In the same month of May 1929, Professor Laudien arrived from Germany to become the Rector of the School of Arts and Crafts.
In February 1931, the Board of Directors officially appointed Professor Laudien as the Rector of the School of Arts and Crafts. The Apprentice School, which fell under its domain, began its first course in March 1932.
A University Open to the World
This spirit of internationalization has remained very relevant throughout the years, strengthened by the academic ties that have been established with various foreign institutions.
In recent years, the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria has carried out a determined and systematic process of internationalization, understanding that globalization demands the maintenance and strengthening of ties with the world, opening up to a fluid exchange of knowledge and people with similar institutions from all continents.
With this in mind, the institution has implemented, in the academic field, postgraduate-level exchanges, joint research projects, and the participation of visiting professors. For undergraduate student exchanges, agreements have been established with universities in Europe, the United States, and Latin America, enabling young people from other parts of the world to study at the Santa María University and allowing its students to attend one or two semesters at institutions abroad.
The widespread use of networks, a fundamental element in bringing the world closer to students and academics, is also part of the University’s internationalization policy and contributes to fostering a strong universal culture within its classrooms.
Team Members
Lydia Droegemueller
Director - International Affairs Office
Lydia Droegemueller
Director - International Affairs Office
Phone: +56 32 265 4511
Email: lydia.droegemueller@usm.cl
Office 134-E
Edificio Federico Santa María
July Valencia
July Valencia
Phone: +56 32 265 4599
Email: july.valencia@usm.cl
Office 135-E
Edficio Federico Santa María
Nicholas Fuentes
Outgoing Student Coordinator (all locations)
Nicholas Fuentes
Outgoing Student Coordinator (all locations)
Phone: +56 22 303 7024
Email: intercambio.saliente@usm.cl
A-026, Building A, 1st floor
San Joaquín Campus
Paz Aranibar Sánchez
International Student Coordinator (incoming)
Paz Aranibar Sánchez
International Student Coordinator (incoming)
Phone: +56 32 265 4717
Email: incoming@usm.cl
3rd Floor, A Building
Casa Central
Michelle Mella
Internationalizatión Assistent
Michelle Mella
Internationalizatión Assistent
Phone: +56 32 265 4930
Email: michelle.mella@usm.cl
2nd Floor
Edificio Federico Santa Maria
International Partnerships and Agreements
International Partnerships and Agreements
Email: convenios.oai@usm.cl
Nadia Letelier
Nadia Letelier
Email: nadia.letelier@usm.cl